
Testimonies God is doing Amazing things among his people
I have been trying for some years to put up a building in my village but it appeared impossible. By 2021, I became very uncomfortable with the fact that
this project has made me an object of mockery in my village to the point I couldn’t return to my hometown. There was also the fear of one of my uncles who was
notorious for evil activities. He had threatened to burn down my house whenever I complete it. In one of our Communion of Success Services, Pastor Tim
called me and asked me to kneel down while he prayed for me and anointed me.
Afterward, I knew I had received the Grace for completion. After that, things opened up. Shortly after, I heard that my uncle locked up his mother and burnt down their house with the mother
inside. He received a jungle treatment which eventually led to his death
Now, my house is completed and God also has added a new car to my family.
I’m here to return all the Glory to God especially for ordering my steps and that of my family into DACA. It’s been an awesome experience ever since we joined. Some time ago, my car was seriously giving me consistent issues which birthed a desire in me for a change of car. However, there was no money available for such a project.
Glory to Jesus
But then, I was in church a few weeks ago when a sister testified of how God gave her a miracle car. After the service, I followed her to the car dedication by Pastor Tim after which he gave her some money to fuel the car as his custom is. I quickly reached out to her with the little on me and told God that I needed a car replacement. Brethren, as I stand before you today, I
have a brand new car. Not only that, God additionally gave my family a landed property.