Pst. Lilian Benedict

Pastor Lilian effectively combines the duties of a great wife and mother to her biological and spiritual children with conference speaking and entrepreneurship.
Pastor Lilian is married to Pastor Timothy Benedict, with whom she co-pastors a vibrant and fast-growing church known as Divine Ambassadors Christian Assembly (DACA) Worldwide, and they are blessed with four wonderful children.
Lilian Eberechukwu Benedict is a multi-gifted, skilled and graced woman of God with a passion to see people become their best in life without compromising their faith in Christ. She has a special calling to build Godly women and homes; which she does through the following platforms: THE FRUITFUL VINES [a monthly women gathering] -SIX HOURS PLUS ONE [a bi-annual women’s retreat], THE BLESSED AND BEAUTIFUL MAIDENS [an exclusive young single ladies platform where attendees are mentored to be responsible and productive singles and Godly wives]. Her meetings are characterized with an unusual healing grace.
Pastor Lilian is also a graduate of Management/English Language with a Masters degree in Guidance and Counseling from Enugu State University of Science and Technology. She is also an alumna of the prestigious Daystar Leadership Academy (DLA) and Dunamis School Of Ministry (DUSOM).