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Secret Codes To Godly Wealth:

Uncovering the secrets of trans-generational wealth creation

Secret Codes to Godly Wealth is a product of series of wealth creation teachings done on weekly by the author over a period of nine months with outstanding results in the lives of the participants. This is not another book on the subject of wealth but a manual laced with unction to stir your spirit, irrigate your mind and propel you into the maximum fulfillment of the purpose of your existence.

Set Thyself Free:

Secrets to Personal Deliverance and Breakthrough Prayers

This is a divinely inspired material for helping Christians see results in their spiritual warfare adventures. It is designed to arm the believer with scriptural evidence and spiritual know-how required to channel their prayers to get desirable results. In your hands is not another prayer book but a tested manual for personal spiritual transactions that guarantees total deliverance, real success, prosperity and a healthy undistracted christian life.

Life Lessons & Secrets:

Practical Approach for Exceptional Living

Life Lessons and Secrets is not just a conventional book but a compilation of time tested lessons that are laced with potent secrets to inspire and catapult the open minded reader into realms of irrecoverable success in life, ministry or career.

In your hands is a manual for living, a message to the believer and a guide on the journey of success.

Just Anyone Can Be Wealthy:

An Exposition into Human Relationship Mastery as Key to Trans generational wealth

Just anyone can be wealthy is a product of time tested principles which has worked in my personal life in business and also in ministry. The book X-rays the inherent power encapsulated in human relationships which when understood and applied can transform just anyone from an obscure background to a place of honour. It further posits that anyone with a relationship problem will definitely have money problems.